In this section you can download The NEBULA Manifesto. It is a guide and call to action that reflects the voices of young people, youth workers, and institutional stakeholders, addressing the challenges and opportunities of youth engagement in society.
By integrating the principles and purposes of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative, the NEBULA Manifesto becomes a beacon of guidance and inspiration. It seeks to build an inclusive, sustainable, and collaborative future where youth engagement is a cornerstone of societal transformation.
This manifesto is more than words; it is a movement. By aligning our collective efforts with the core values of beauty, sustainability, and inclusivity, we possess the undeniable power to transform our communities and the world at large. Let this manifesto be the spark that ignites a passionate and unyielding revolution of active, engaged, and empowered youth driving profound societal change. The future is not merely something we inherit; it is ours to shape, create, and inspire within one another—let's get to work with unwavering commitment and enthusiasm!

The NEBULA project created a training programme formed by the "NEBULA Skills for Young Entrepreneurs" and a methodology "NEBULA Methodology for Youth Workers" to empower young people and youth workers in the field of entrepreneurship and regeneration projects.
The "NEBULA Skills for Young Entrepreneurs" program is designed for young individuals who want to transform their ideas into successful ventures. It is inspired by the principles of enrichment and sustainability and incorporates best practices and successful business models. The program consists of three modules: Finance, Management, and Communication. Each module will include learning nuggets, which are short and concise educational content pieces that deliver specific information or skills. These activities include videos, articles, quizzes, or interactive modules. The courses will follow an approach inspired by the "pillars" of Enrichment and Sustainability, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered.
The "NEBULA Methodology" aims to provide a replicable and sustainable training approach for youth workers from local NGOs. These organizations include those involved in youth, social, cultural, environmental, and urban/rural associations. The methodology seeks to equip youth workers with the necessary tools and skills to guide young people in their territories through the initial steps of ideation and launching regeneration projects. The e-course for each module of the methodology will consist of approximately 15 pages and cover topics such as inspiration, skills development, and practical application. Additiony, a learning nugget will be provided as an example of an activity that can be implemented with young people, along with a link for further information.
These initiatives under the NEBULA project aim to foster entrepreneurship, sustainability, and regeneration by providing young individuals and youth workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their endeavors.